Rok apprentice helps charity Words & Numbers Matter
Meet Rok's construction management apprentice, Henri Gallichan.
In addition to studying for this Higher National Certificate in Construction Management at Highlands College and working with the RokFCC JV team on Our Hospital Project (OHP), Henri also volunteers with local charity, Words & Numbers Matter.
Henri is pictured below with tutors Fee Morris and Sally Gallichan (charity founder): "I've been volunteering, as and when the need arose, with Words & Numbers Matter since it was opened in 2013. In past year, I volunteered around 25 hours, especially supporting students with written or oral exams, to progress them through IGCSE and GCSE. For oral exams, the students find it less intimidating working with someone closer to their age, who has experienced the same sort of examination as them not too long ago."
Henri takes part in speaking, listening and communication assessments as part of the Functional Skills level 1 and 2 English programmes for apprentices in Jersey. These assessments form part of the examination required to gain a level 1 or level 2 English Functional Skills qualification. The level 2 qualification is equivalent to a grade 4/C grade GCSE. Gaining a level 2 qualification enable a student to start formal apprenticeship programmes, therefore his voluntary help makes a real difference in the community.
The primary purpose of Words & Numbers Matter is to support Jersey's children, young people and adults to improve their literacy and numeracy skills to enable them to have: career choices, improved employment options and their general health and well-being. They are typically called upon to support children and young people who are starting to fail academically, have become anxious about school or are refusing to attend. Their priority when supporting individuals is to set a mutually agreed goal with the main focus on improving performance by at least one grade, usually focusing on the critical educational transitions, such as: starting secondary school, commencing GCSE studies, completing the final push before exams, stepping into higher-level studies or entering the world of employment/apprenticeships.
Learn more about Words & Numbers Matter: https://www.facebook.com/wordsandnumbersmatter